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800 N. Sumner Ave.
Creston, IA 50801 (map)

phone: (641)782-5095

Pastor: Rev. Jonathan C. Watt
Phone: (641)782-0027

Sunday Morning Worship: 9:00AM / Sunday School and Adult Bible Class: 10:15AM

Trinity NEWS

Friday, May 29, 2009

Missional and Liturgical... Possible?

Often the dichotomy is drawn between Missional and Liturgical. "You can't be interested in 'reaching people for Jesus' and hold on to that old stuffy liturgy." Here's an example of both together.

(HT: Cyberbrethren)

In a world that is moving faster and faster and farther and farther away from stability, we find comfort in the stability of Jesus Christ our Savior. He comes to us in Word and Sacrament every week. We hear over and over again of the great love of God in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Traditional worship offers us the opportunity to slow down and receive the gifts God gives in the same way as Christians have received them for two thousand years.


Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church offers traditional historic worship services centered on Jesus Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sin.

In the Divine Service God comes to us in Word and Sacrament (Holy Baptism and Holy Communion) to give us the forgiveness of sins won for us by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Please join us as God brings to us these amazing gifts.

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