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800 N. Sumner Ave.
Creston, IA 50801 (map)

phone: (641)782-5095

Pastor: Rev. Jonathan C. Watt
Phone: (641)782-0027

Sunday Morning Worship: 9:00AM / Sunday School and Adult Bible Class: 10:15AM

Trinity NEWS

Friday, May 22, 2009

Announcements for May 24, 2009


Our missionary Pastor Dan Vogel will be our special guest on June 7th. Pastor Vogel will be bringing us news of his work among our Hispanic brothers and sisters here in Iowa. He will also share with us God’s Word as our guest preacher and bible class leader. There will be a pot-luck lunch following pr. Vogel’s bible class!

Please give items for the Sunday bulletin to pastor in writing in the mailbox slot "bulletin" (found at the lower left side of the member mailboxes in the narthex) or eMail them to

Please notify pastor when you make a change to the church calendar outside the church office.

Please place articles for the Chimes in the "Chimes" mailbox found at the lower left side of the member mailboxes, or eMail articles to

New eMails! Please take note of these changes in Trinity's eMail addresses. Trinity Lutheran Church -; Pastor -; Chimes Articles -; Bulletin Announcements -; Preschool Teachers -

Lutheran Witness Subscriptions! Please notify pastor if you want to receive the Lutheran Witness.

Please contact Bill Magers if you are willing to help mow the church property.

Adult Bible Class today is at 10:15am. We are continuing our Basic Doctrine Quiz. Topic today “True or False: The Bible teaches that there is an age of accountability, and that children who die before this age go to heaven because they are innocent.”

Life Qutoe: "As many as an estimated nine out of ten children with Down syndrome are aborted in the womb, sought out by increasingly sophisticated prenatal tests and eliminated as too flawed, too burdensome, too different to live. This is the ugly eugenic underbelly of American life, even as we congratulate ourselves on our tolerance and diversity." Rich Lowry, columnist This "Life Quote" is from Lutherans For Life –

Stewardship for the 7th Sunday of Easter 1 John 5:9-15: Christian stewards have courage in God’s presence because we are sure that He hears us if we ask for anything that is according to His will. God’s love is shown in giving; our love is also shown in giving.

There will be a voters meeting today, immediately following worship to make a final decision on the Organ.

You are cordially invited to a retirement celebration dinner for Reverend Larry Troxel on August 22, 2009 at 6pm. Tony's East Room 810 Hampshire Quincy, IL

CONTENDING FOR TRUTH IN AN AGE OF ANTI-TRUTH...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Topics include: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?, "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown, Adoption, Decision Theology, Handel's Messiah and more. You can listen to what you want when you want at

This Week at Trinity

Sun May 24 7th Sunday of Easter

9am Divine Service with Holy Communion

10:30am Voter's Meeting (Organ project)

10:15am Sunday School

Adult Bible Class will follow the Voter’s Meeting.

Mon May 25 Pastor's Day Off - Memorial Day

Tue May 26 SWCC - Early Childhood Board Workshop

6:30am Early Risers (HyVee)

1:30pm Sermon Broadcast on

Wed May 27 7:30pm Trustees Meeting

Sat May 30 10am Pastor at Convention Committee Mtg.

Grace Luth. Storm Lake, IA

Sun May 31 The Festival of Pentecost

Guest preacher Pr. Dan Vogel

9am Divine Service

10:15am Sunday School and Bible Classes

11:30am Mission Fest Pot-Luck.

God’s People at Prayer

Cancer: Lynne Reeves

Cancer: McKenna Brown

Cancer: Shelly Cabbage, Friend of Phil and Anita Wardenburg.

Cancer: Trevor Hanson

Cancer: Vyck - Bill Mager's brother-in-Law

Cancer: Patty - Bill Mager's sister

Critically Ill: Bob Rassmussen.

Recovering: Joel Herzberg:

Critically Ill: Baby Kaylee

Ill: Jessica - Neice of Marti Williams

Missions: Rev. Daniel Vogel, Missionary to Hispanic in Dennison

Missions: Rev. Dennis Konkel Missionary to the Deaf in Des Moines

Shut-ins: Ruth Chase, Dale Keating, Wilma Cottrell, Pauline Young

Serving Today:

Altar: Gene and Dorothy Cook, Pat Barkalow

Organist: Sharon Ekland

Elder: Chuck Bowman

Acolyte: Jay Wolfe

Finance: Jay Bochart, Chuck Bowman

Ushers: Karl Peterson, Darwin Scott, Jack Quee, Lynn Kruse

Serving Next Sunday, May 31

Acolyte: Madison Peterson

Orgainist: Julie Lang

Altar: Gene and Dorothy Cook, Pat Barkalow

Elder: Gene Cook

Finance: Jay Bochart, Chuck Bowman

Ushers: Karl Peterson, Darwin Scott, Jack Quee, Lynn Kruse

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